Acceptable Products List
(1) Lists including appropriate product identification, developed and utilized for products which conform with the applicable handbooks, specifications, standards or other descriptions and which have proven acceptance. (2) Pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. The Acceptable Products List includes pharmaceuticals and medical supplies; which client medical departments stipulate as the only items acceptable for administration to, or for use in the treatment of, patients for whom the federal government is responsible; which conform with the applicable handbooks, specifications, standards or other descriptions; whose suppliers shall comply with the provisions of the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations, and the Narcotic Control Act and Regulations. See also Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies. (23/06/94) (liste des produits acceptables)
(1) A deliberate and intentional agreement or consent to accept materiel or services rated as acceptable. (2) Receipt by the consignee for a shipment, thus terminating the common carrier liability subject to claim for shortages or damages if such exist. (3) See also SACC Manual, sections 3, 4 and 5. (4) Tender/Offer. The action of one of the parties to a contract to make it valid, following the offer of the other party. (5) See also contract. (23/06/94) (acceptation)
(1) A formal record of a particular type of transaction such as an asset, liability, proprietorship, revenue or expense, expressed in money or other unit of measurement and kept in a ledger. (2) The bookkeeping records of any organization, including journals, ledgers, vouchers and other supporting papers. (3) Defence Production Act. Means the Defence Production Loan Account. See Section 9E. (4) Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA). Collective term for the whole set of financial statements of an organization. (5) Refers to records of the cost to the contractor of the work performed under a PWGSC contract and of all expenditures and commitments made by the contractor in connection with the contract and invoices, receipts and vouchers relating to it. (23/06/94) (compte)
The obligation of an employee, agent or other person to answer for or be accountable for, work, action, or failure to act following delegated authority. The obvious aspect of being responsible. (23/06/94) (obligation de rendre compte)
Accountable Advance
(1) Funds provided to a contractor to purchase spare parts which are not an item of supply in the supply system and which will be used in the repair and overhaul of government equipment. (2) Advance funds provided for a specific purpose and chargeable to the appropriation for the service in respect of which the advance is made. (3) Accountable Advance Regulations. A sum of money advanced from and temporarily changed to an appropriation, e.g. a revolving fund, working capital advance, special account. (23/06/94) (avance à justifier)
Accountable Items
Items of materiel for which complete accountability records must be maintained for inventory, in units and value including purchase transactions and, when items are removed from inventory, in units and value. (23/06/94) (articles à comptabiliser)
Ad Valorem
(1) According to value. (2) Ad valorem is usually applied to a customs duty charged upon the value only of goods that are dutiable. (3) Ad valorem duty as distinguished from specific duty is calculated in percentages of the value of the goods imported. (23/06/94) (ad valorem)
Additional Allowance in Respect of Capital Cost
See accelerated depreciation. (23/06/94) -- Above
(1) The amount of variation permitted by an adjustment clause in the contract generally permitting a change upward or downward in the price or obligations in case certain events transpire. (2) See also economic price adjustment. (23/06/94) (ajustement)
Advance Payment
A payment made by or on behalf of Her Majesty under the terms of a contract before the performance of that part of the contract in respect of which the payment is made. (23/06/94) (paiement anticipé)
The expression of counsel or opinion; an opinion expressed as to the wisdom of future conduct. (23/06/94) (conseil)
Advice of Shipment
Also known as Notice of Shipment. A notice sent to a purchaser advising that a shipment has been released. The notice usually contains details of packing, routing, etc. (23/06/94) (avis d'expédition)
After-Imposed Duties
All duties that the contractor has to bear that were not applicable on the contract date. (23/06/94) (droits imposés ultérieurement)
After-Imposed Taxes
All applicable GST/HST exempted or excluded on the reference date but for which exemption was later removed or reduced such that the contractor is required to pay or bear additional taxes as a result of legislative, judicial or administrative action taking effect after the reference date; also includes increases announced after the reference date affecting the rate of tax, whether specific or percentage. (16/02/98) (taxes imposées ultérieurement)
After-Relieved Duties
All duties which were applicable on the contract date but which were no longer applicable at the time of delivery. (23/06/94) (droits dégrevés ultérieurement)
After-Relieved Taxes
All applicable GST/HST that would have been payable on the transaction or property covered by contract, but which the contractor is not required to pay or bear or for which the contractor obtains a refund or drawback, as a result of legislative, judicial or administrative action taking effect after the reference date. (16/02/98) (taxes dégrevées ultérieurement)
A relationship established by contract whereby one party known as the principal, employs and authorizes a second party, known as the agent, to represent the principal in business dealings with third parties. The term also applies to the office of the agent. (23/06/94) (agence)
Agency and Resale Items
Fully processed articles or component parts acquired by bona fide agents, distributors, wholesalers, jobbers or retailers for resale without further processing; however, such items may require handling, unpacking, testing, inhibiting, storing, re-packing prior to shipment. (23/06/94) (articles d'agents et de revendeurs)
Persons who act on behalf of another person (the principal) by their authority, express or implied, in dealings with third parties. (23/06/94) (agent)
(1) A consensus of two or more minds in respect of anything done or to be done. (2) An agreement has a wider meaning than a contract. The requisites of an agreement are: two or more persons, a distinct intention common to both, referring to legal relations and affecting the parties, and the document or instrument which evidences the agreement. (3) See also formal agreement. (23/06/94) (accord)
An agreed addition to, deletion from, correction or modification of a contract. See contract amendment. (23/06/94) (modification)
In respect of a contract, means the consideration to be given by the contracting authority under the terms of the contract, whether the consideration is fixed or estimated. (23/06/94) (montant)
Appropriate Minister
The "appropriate minister" means either the minister presiding over a department [i.e. any of the departments named in Schedule I of the Financial Administration Act (FAA)] or the minister designated by the Governor in Council as the appropriate minister in respect to any other department (i.e. any branch designated as a department for the purposes of the FAA). (23/06/94) (ministre compétent)
Approved Financial Institution
(1) Any corporation or institution that is a member of the Canadian Payments Association. (2) A corporation that accepts deposits that are insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Régie de l'assurance-dépôts du Québec to the maximum permitted by law. (3) A credit union as defined in the Income Tax Act. (4) A corporation that accepts deposits from the public, if repayment of the deposits is guaranteed by Her Majesty in right of a province. (23/06/94) (institution financière agréée)
Approved Item Name
The name which has been selected, and delimited where necessary, to establish the concept of an item of supply. (23/06/94) (nom d'article approuvé)
Approved Source List
(1) A list of suppliers that can supply specific goods and services and are approved on the basis of the suitability of their facilities and capabilities. (2) See also Qualified Products List. (23/06/94) (liste de fournisseurs accrédités)
General. Any owned physical object (tangible) or right (intangible) having economic value to its owner. See also production assets. (23/06/94) (actif)
(1) A transfer of a right from either party to the other, as mutually agreed. (2) Lease. In this context, the entire unexpired residue of the lease is transferred. (3) For the benefit of creditors. Regulated by the Bankruptcy Act of Canada, it is an assignment made in favour of the trustee in bankruptcy who takes it in trust for the general body of creditors of the insolvent assignor for realization and distribution in accordance with the statute. (4) Book debts. Right to collect and receive all accounts receivable, present and future, of the borrower. This right is exercised by the lender signifying to the debtors of the borrower that the lender requires them to pay to it the balance outstanding on their account. (23/06/94) (cession)
Assignment of Contract
The transfer by the contractor of responsibility for performance of all or part of the contract from the contractor to a third party. (23/06/94) (cession d'un contrat)
Associated Government
Means Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, any other government of the Commonwealth of Nations, the government of a country that is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or the government of any other country designated by the Governor in Council as being a country the defence of which is vital to the defence of Canada. (23/06/94) (gouvernement associé)
(1) General. An examination, full scrutiny and verification of accounting records, usually by a third person. (2) An examination of all elements of actual costs incurred by the contractor and the determination of actual profit realized. See discretionary audit. (23/06/94) (vérification)
(1) The right to perform certain acts or prescribe rules governing the conduct of others. (2) Generally, under balanced schemes of management, administrative authority represents the activation of corporate policy and is coupled with responsibility and accountability. (3) A person commonly regarded as possessing an extensive knowledge in any given field. (23/06/94) (pouvoir)